
Where to find us
Dr. McGrath and his staff are housed on UCSF’s Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital (ZSFGH) campus.

Dr. McGrath has 2000 sq. ft. of wet laboratory space at ZSFGH, which includes a 100 sq. ft. BSC2 biohazard facility, a 150sq. ft. tissue culture facility containing hoods and incubators, and a 100 sq. ft. cell sorter facility containing a Vi-CELL cell counter and cell viability analyzer and Becton Dickinson FACScan with a biohazard containment flow cell.

Dr. McGrath’s cryostorage capabilities include -80 freezers, LN2 freezers and LN2 dewars between cryo facilities at ZSFG and UCSF's OysterPoint Freezer Farm.